Nadine Bultingaire

33 years old, BoyMom with a little French touch

My husband and I are living in a small town close to Munich with our son "little K".

Since summer 2021 I'm a wedding photographer. Photography has always been a big part of my life. Starting with my dad who always carried his Canon camera around and captured moments of us together.

To help you find out if our personalities match you can find a little "get to know me" below. It is important to me that we get a long very well and it almost feels I'm part of your friends group at your wedding.



My husband and I love to travel around the world. From Sri Lanka to all those pretty countries in Europe we loved seeing it all. To many more destinations in the future.


After photography this is my other big passion. I just love everything about winter sport. Hitting the slops brings me so much joy. I could spent all winter in the mountains.

Horse Riding

My childhood passion. With having a kid and working a lot I don't get to do it that often, but I try to find a place to go horse riding at every vacation.


Spending good times with friends is so important and brings so much lightness in life. There have been so many important moments that I shared with my closest friends, where many of them I know since more than 10 years. Cheers to many more memories together!


I love a good wine. It all started with my French husband and the French culture. The taste, how it brings people together and the various different wines you can try.


No matter if Italian or Korean, you can always catch me with good food. Exploring new restaurants and food from different continents is something I love to do wherever I am.


Since 2022 we are a family of three.

Those two men <3

Wedding Photography

On my own or together with my dear colleague Marion, this is what makes me so happy.

It's so nice when you've found something you love and can call it your profession.

Foto 5 by Marion Schranner Fotografie

Liane & Clemens

"Als wäre sie als Freundin Teil der Hochzeit gewesen."

Nadine ist eine wunderbare Fotografin und wirklich eine Bereicherung für jedes Event. Sie hat unsere Hochzeit auf dem Wendelstein begleitet. Wir und unsere Gäste waren begeistert. Sie war überall, immer voll integriert und unauffällig und die Fotos die dabei rausgekommen sind, sind wunderschön geworden. Sie hatte tolle Ideen und hat uns (Foto-Neulinge) super gut „angeleitet“. Wir hatten sehr viel Spaß und es kam einem vor als wäre sie als Freundin Teil der Hochzeit gewesen.

Eine absolute Empfehlung, herzlichen Dank nochmal, liebe Nadine!